What’s New
News from St Michael's and our partners in the community
Team Parish of St Luke in the City hosts service of remembrance for Liverpool's 'May Blitz'
The Team Parish of St Luke in the City Liverpool, of which St Michael’s is a part, will host a Service of Remembrance and Dedication at St Luke’s Bold Place on Thursday 6th May to mark the 80th anniversary of Liverpool's 'May Blitz'.
What’s happening with the gravestones?
The Linda McCartney Foundation have provided funding for a new garden area at. St Michael’s focused on encouraging young people to experience vegetable growing. This is enabling us to clear and develop the overgrown corner of the site.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the Team Parish of St Luke in the City, of which St Michael’s is a part, will be held on Zoom on Monday 26th April at 7.30pm
Welcoming Laura Ferguson as our new Team Vicar
We welcome Revd. Laura Ferguson as the new Team Vicar in the Team Parish of St Luke in the City Liverpool, of which St Michael’s is a part.
New weekly Wednesday BCP communion service
Following months of closure due to Covid-19, we’re delighted to announce that we will be re-opening for public worship on Wednesdays at 12.15 every week from the beginning of September.
Welcome to our new curate
A warm welcome to Louis Johnson who has joined us as our new curate in the Team Parish of St Luke in the City Liverpool, of which St Michael’s is a part!
News from the garden
The St Michael’s garden has been closed to the public during lockdown but a core team of Faiths4Change staff are still working there, keeping our plants growing.
Introducing our new Team Vicar!
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Laura Ferguson as the next Team Vicar of the Team Parish of St Luke in the City, of which St Michael's is a part.
Introducing our new curate - Louis Johnson
We’re delighted to announce that in 2020 Louis James Johnson will be joining the team parish of St Luke in the City as curate.